[编号: ]时间状语从句
资料类别: 教案
所属地区: 云南
年级: 高三
学科: 英语
资料版本: 人教普通版(第三册)
上传用户: 家教网0914
更新时间: 2021-11-12 17:24:55
审核状态: 未审核



1. 表示“一…就…”的连接词引导的时间状语从句:

1由“as soon as the instant/ the moment the minute instantly directly once immediately”等引导的时间状语从句:

The moment he saw me he ran away. 他一看见我,就跑了。

My sister came directly she got my message. 我妹妹一收到我的信息就来了。

Once printed this book will be very popular.一印刷,这本书就将非常流行。

Instantly the button is pressed the mine explodes.这个扭一按下去,这矿就爆炸了。

They told me the news immediately they got the message.他一得到信息就马上把消息告诉了我。

2 由“no sooner… than”和“had just/hardly/scarcely/ barely …when”引导的时间状语从句。

Hardly had I returned when I bought a fine house. 我一回来就买了个好房子。

He had no sooner received the news than he started.他一收到这个消息就出发了。

No sooner had we reached the top of the hill than we all sat down to rest. 我们一到达山顶就全都坐下来休息。

Scarcely had he entered the room when the phone rang.他一进屋电话就响了。

We had just had our breakfast when an old man came to the door.我们刚一吃完早饭门口就来了一个老人。

2. 其它引导时间状语从句的连接词:

1由“as while when whenever”引导的时间状语从句,同时whenever引导的也是让步状语从句。

The volumes varies as the temperature increases.

She entered the room when the meeting was going on.当会议正在进行时她进了屋。

Come and see me whenever you want to.无论你什么时候想来看我都可以。

Whenever father says”not bad” he really means “very good”.无论父亲什么时候说“不错“,他真正的意思是”很好“。

While the teacher explained the text the students listened attentively and took notes.当老师解释课文时,学生们认真地听并记下笔记。

While when 和as的用法区别:


While /when/ as the students were studying the lights went out.学生在学习时等灭了。

1 As 从句可用来表示以下三种情况,意为“一边……一边……”、 “随着”“正当”之意:

1. 某事一发生,另一事立即发生。

As I expressed to him my thanks he held my hand firmly. 当我向他表示感谢时,他紧紧地抓住了我的手。

2. 在某事发生的过程中另一事件发生。两个句子动词都用一般时态,从句也可用进行时态。

As they opened the door on the ground floor Mary said”don’t light the lamps.”当他们打开一楼的门时,玛丽说:“别开灯。“

One evening in 1902 as she was sitting with Pierre at home she said to him “let’s go down to the laboratory again.” 1902年的一个夜晚,她和皮埃尔坐在家里时,她对皮埃尔说:“咱们再去一下实验室吧。“

3. 两个动作同时发生。

As each day passes(=with the passing of each day) China becomes more and more powerful and prosperous.随着一天天的过去,中国变得越来越繁荣强大。

As the peasant boy fought back the nobleman drew his sword(剑) and thrust(刺) it at him.正当那农家男孩还手时,那个贵族拔出剑朝他刺过来。

While 引导的时间状语从句必须用持续性动词或to be 表示状态,意为“当…时候“”趁着…“while从句可以表示:

1. 一般或现在的情况。

Make hay while the sun shines. 太阳好,就晒草。

We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们必须趁热打铁。

Never get on or off a bus while it is in motion. 汽车运行时不要上下车。
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