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[编号: ]The most important thing about cotton in history i
资料类别: 学案
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 福建
所属阶段: 二轮专题复习
学科: 英语
专题/考点: 任务型阅读
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-4-25 15:27:40
审核状态: 未审核


16. (北

A. The;学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! the                  B. A; a                           C. The; a               D. 不填; the



17.【?江西八校联考】The most important thing about cotton in history is ___part that it played in ____Industrial Revolution.

  A. /,/             B. the,/               C. the , the         D. a ,the


【解析】本题考查冠词。题中“Industrial Revolution”是专有名词,因此要加定冠词。题中又特指了“cotton”发挥的作用,也要用定冠词。

18. 【·北京石景山高三统一测试】It is really ___ useful dictionary, ___ dictionary every one of us needs.

       A.an, a            B.a,the                     C.the, a          D.a, a



19.(·唐山市摸底)18.Though Mark wasn’t well educated,his common       guided him through a life.

       A.sense               B.ground             C.place                D.practice



20.(·浙江温州八校返校联考)24.I have no ________ what is in fashion this summer.I bought this dress quite by accident.

       A.mind            B.opinion           C.idea                 D.thought

C考查名词词义辨析。解题关键:掌握句型have no idea+同位语从句。

21.(·浙江温州八校返校联考)25.What really ________ is not failure itself, but the attitude we have towards it.

       A.matters               B.applies               C.stresses               D.functions


22.(·浙江温州十校联考)3.He had a burning ________ to win back the teacher’s confidence in him.

   A.desire                 B.feeling                C.emotion              D.impression



23.(·浙江杭州西湖中学检测)28. Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no ______ to the health care in the west rural area in China.

   A. aid                      B. basis                        C. belief                       D. access

D考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们认为在中国的西部农村地区超过2/3的人口得不到医疗保健。解题关键:掌握短语have no access to意为:得不到;无法进入。

24.(·浙江杭州西湖中学检测)23. The Education Bureau gave a warning to each school without any _____ when the virus of H1N1 hit our city. 

  A. delay   B. effort  C. schedule  D. consideration


25.(·云南昆明一中第一次月考)3.As a result of heavy snow, the high-way has been closed up until further ______.

   A.news                  B.notice                  C.message             D.knowledge



26.(·江西师大开学试题)28. There are ______ to show that a new , different city is coming out of its dark past .

    A. signals   B. marks      C. signs       D. symbols


27.(·宁夏银川一中第一次月考)30.The popular cartoon Mulan is a (an) _____ of a Chinese poem for children.

       A.imagination        B.plot                C.story          D.adaptation



28.(·黑龙江哈师大附中第二次月考)24.       --What would you give me in ________ for my recorder?

--My MP3. Do you agree?

A. reward                     B. turn                  C. preparation        D. exchange

D考查名词词义辨析。语境:---你愿意拿什么换我的录音机?---我的MP3。你同意吗?此处in exchange for意为:与。。。交换。

29.(·黑龙江哈师大附中第二次月考)30.       --Are you looking for something in ________?

--No. I’m just having a look.

A. total                  B. particular           C. general              D. common

B考查名词词义辨析。语境:---你在寻找一些特殊的东西吗?---不,我只是看看。此处something in particular意为:特殊的东西。


30.(·贵州遵义四中第一次月考)12. All the          indicate that he has been deeply involved in the crime.

A. evidence    B. fact    C. factors     D. cause

A考查名词词义辨析。句意:所有的迹象表明他已经深陷这次犯罪。Evidence迹象; fact    事实; factors因素; cause原因。根据句意选A。


31.(·桂林十八校第一次月考)28. Obama’s success in presidential election proves that the color of one's skin shouldn't be a ______ to success.

A. barrier                B. behavior                   C. battle                       D. bunch



32.(·重庆师大附中第一次月考)24.While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discovery which completely changed ________ man’s understanding of color.

A. a; 不填                 B. a; the                   C. 不填; the               D. the; a

A考查冠词的用法。第一空表示“一个发现”;第二空understanding of color已有限定词man’s,故不用冠词。

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