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基本技能专题--单项填空 基本技能专题--阅读理解 基本技能专题--书面表达 基础知识专题--语音 基础知识专题--词汇 基础知识语法专题--名词 基础知识语法专题--代词 基础知识语法专题--数词 基础知识语法专题--介词和介词短语 基础知识语法专题--连词 基础知识语法专题--形容词和副词 基础知识语法专题--冠词 基础知识语法专题--动词 基础知识语法专题--句子之陈述句的肯定和否定式 基础知识语法专题--句子之一般、特殊、选择、反意疑问句 基础知识语法专题--句子之祈使句及其否定形式 基础知识语法专题--句子之“以what和how引导的”感叹句 基础知识语法专题--句子之句子成份 基础知识语法专题--句子之主谓一致 基础知识语法专题--句子之简单句的五种基本句型 基础知识语法专题--句子之并列句 基础知识语法专题--句子之宾语从句 基础知识语法专题--句子之表语、主语、同位语从句 基础知识语法专题--句子之定语从句 基础知识语法专题--句子之状语从句 基础知识语法专题--句子之直接、间接引语 基础知识语法专题--句子之倒装句和省略句 基础知识语法专题--句子之由it构成的句型 基本技能专题--完形填空
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特别专题与汇总 |
学业水平测试考前指导 学业水平测试相关汇总专题
[编号: ]Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she
资料类别: 学案
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 山东
所属阶段: 二轮专题复习
学科: 英语
专题/考点: 基础知识语法专题--动词
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-5-8 15:18:22
审核状态: 未审核



Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,         this was a memory she especially treasured.

A.as                                      B.if                                  C.when                               D.where

答案  A

解析  本题考查原因状语从句,用as,句意为:……因为这是她特珍惜的一段记忆。其他三项都不表示原因。


—Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?

—He rushed out of the room                 I could say a word.

A.before                                B.until                                 C.when                               D.after

答案  A

解析  答语意为:他在我说话之前就跑出了房子。


It was some time                   we realized the truth.

A.when                                 B.until                                 C.since                                D.before

答案  D

解析  句意为:过了一段时间之后我们才认识到真相。before意为“……之后才……”。


My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;        ,he could neither eat nor sleep.A.as a result                        B.after all                  C.any way                           D.otherwise

答案  A

解析  本题考查连接词。前后句为因果关系,即因为生病而导致后面的结果,故应选as a result。after all毕竟,终究;any way不管怎样,无论如何;otherwise否则,要不然。故答案为A。


We hadn’t planned to meet.We met        chance.

A.of                                      B.in                              C.for                                   D.by

答案  D

解析  考查常用的介词短语,by chance偶然地。


John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School        the beginning of March.

A.on                                     B.for                                   C.with                                 D.at

答案  D

解析  考查介词。at the beginning of是固定短语,意为“在……之初/开始”。

1. 【·天津十二所重点学校联考】_____economic, political and cultural differences, it is difficult for China and America to fully understand each other.

       A.In spite of           B.Regardless of        C.On account of        D.In terms of


2.(北京海淀区届高三二模)The woman pulled her hat low down ______ her eyes in order not to be recognized by the angry crowds.

       A.under               B.below               C.on                D.over


3.【·四川泸州市二诊】After the robbery, the shop fixed an alarm system      further losses.

A. for                      B. against                   C. from                        D. to


4. 【·唐山市二模】I'm going to London and my sister's going _____.

       A.in a hurry           B.in fact           C.as well               D.as a result


5.(·河北正定中学第一次月考)17.The professor devoted all his life ____the treatment of AIDS.

A to research               B.in researching      C.to researching      D.at researching


6.(·河北正定中学第一次月考)15.They experimented _____the new medicine _____animals.

       A.on; to      B by ; on                     C.with ; on       D with; to


7.(·唐山市摸底)20.You had better not discuss the problem at the meeting.You may discuss it       tea

      A.in                    B.at                     C.for                     D.over


8.(·重庆师大附中第一次月考)35.To save the drowning child, the boy plunged into the icy water without hesitation, ____ his own safety.

A. despite of              B. regardless of         C. unaware of             D. because of


9.(·浙江温州十校联考)19.We may be going skiing at Christmas, but it’s still all up __________.We’ll probably make the decision the day after tomorrow.

       A.in the wild                                           B.in the distance        

       C.in the air                                             D.in the long run

【答案】C考查短语的含义。此处up in the air意为:悬而未决。

.(·浙江温州八校返校联考)27.Some classmates are against my plan while the majority are ________ it.

       A.in view of        B.in favor of          C.in honor of       D.in memory of


11.(·浙江学军中学第一次月考)30. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged      how great their achievements are.

   A.in spite of       B.in charge of      C.in favor            D.in terms of  


12.(·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)29.--- Shall we visit Jim tonight?

    --- OK. To make sure that he’s in, we’d better call him up       .

       A.in exchange         B.in return              C.in brief                D.in advance


13.(·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)30.--- I’ll take it if you reduce the price by 30%.

    --- But it’s       my power to sell it cheaper.

       A.beyond                B.without               C.off                      D.against


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