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[编号: ]The environment here has been greatly improved in
资料类别: 巩固练习
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 山东
所属阶段: 二轮专题复习
学科: 英语
专题/考点: 阅读填句
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-5-8 15:23:18
审核状态: 未审核


11. (山西省山大附中届高三12月月考)

The environment here has been greatly improved in recent years.    trees are thick and

  green,birds remain all the year long.

    A.Even if       B.Although          C.Unless            D.Where

答案  D

12. (四川省内江六中届高三第四次月考)

Children’s brains can’t develop properly        they lack protein.

A. when             B. since              C. because           D. unless

答案  A

13. (安徽省两地三校届高三上学期元旦联考)

_____ I could express my thanks to the traveler, he had already disappeared in the rain.

   A. Before      B. When       C. Until       D. While

答案  A

14. (广西桂林十八中届高三第五次月考)

A good advertisement often uses words       which people attach positive meaning to attract people to buy a product or service.

       A. to                            B. of                           C. for                          D. with

答案  A

15. (河南省开封高中届高三上学期1月月考)

Those brave rescuer team members managed to save many people’ lives       the risk of their own lives.

A.at                       B.for                      C.above                  D.under

答案  A

16. (江苏省盐城市届高三第二次学情测评)

It is several months ______ the whole country started to talk about whether driving after drinking alcohol should be punished.

A. before                     B. until                       C. since                        D. after

答案  C

17. (浙江省金华一中届高三12月联考)

How can they learn so much         they spend such a lot of time hanging about?

       A.although              B.when                  C.before                 D.until

答案  B

18. (河南省新野三高届高三上学期第三次月考)

—Can you translate the poem into English?

   —I am sorry I am not good at English poems. It’s ______ my ability.

A. over              B. above             C.  off                     D. beyond

答案  D

19. (辽宁省大连市庄河第六中学届高三第一次模拟考试)

They are going to Paris ______ Athens.

A. by              B. through       C. via             D. past 

答案  C

20. (辽宁省东北育才学校届高三第一次模拟)

Tom often has to be called several times ______ he comes downstairs for dinner.

A. before       B. until       C. when       D. then

答案  A

21. (山东省潍坊七中届高三上学期期中考试)

________ expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine.

   A. In                 B. On                 C. At              D. Beyond

答案  A

22. (陕西省宝鸡中学届高三上学期第一次月考)

Who is it up _____ take charge of the first company ____ is run by the state?

A. to; which          B. to; that             C. for to; that        D. to; what

答案  B

23. (上海市六校届高三联考)

Earlier than the scientists had expected, it snowed ________ the night of November th this year.

A. at                            B. in                             C. on                           D. for

答案  C

24. (四川省内江市届高三第一次模拟考试)

Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, says that he copies it down ______he comes to a beautiful sentence.   

       A. unless              B. while                        C. because                    D. every time

答案  D

25. (浙江省届高三第一次五校联考)

In his address at two-day APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, President Hu _______ the APEC to reform itself to raise the efficiency of cooperation so as to keep advancing _______changing times.

      A. called in; for                       B. called on; with

      C. called for; at                       D. called at; through

答案  B

26. (陕西省户县三中届高三第二次月考)

Work hard , ______ you cannot go to college next year!

A.and               B.or               C.yet                         D.in addition

答案  B

27. (四川省成都七中届高三第一次诊断模拟)

If our society, including many educators, gives up creativity only _____correct answers, it is really time for us to reform our educational system.

  A. to                      B. for                   C. on                D. in

答案  B

28. (福建省厦门外国语学校届高三第三次月考)

I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ______ Brian gets back.

       A. before                      B. since                               C. till                                   D. where

答案  A

29. (浙江省温州中学届高三12月月考)

This article may shock some sensitive readers,      I offer my apologies in advance.

   A. from whom         B. for whom          C. to whom           D. towards whom

答案  C

30. (广西南宁二中届高三第四次月考)

         many mistakes you had made, you didn’t pass the exam.

       A.Because of          B.At                       C.Because              D.By

答案  A

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