问题:George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Virginia. His parents were Augustine and Mary Washington. George grew up on a farm in Virginia. George didn’t go to school. His father taught him at home. George’s favorite subject was math .George learned to be a surveyor of land when he grew up . He joined the army and was a leader during the American Revolution. He cater became the first President of the united states. George Washington is called the “Father of the USA” Americans celebrate his birthday on president’s Day in February. His picture is on the one dollar bill.

31why is George Washington called the “ Father of the USA”?______________________________________

(32what subject did George like to study best?________________________________________

33where was George Washington born?__________________

34when is Washington’s birthday celebrated?_________________________


35what did George learn to be ?______________________

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