

Many people like to go to amusement parks to have fun, but I don’t! Last year, a group of my friends decided to spend a whole 11 at an amusement park in my city. I thought I would have fun, but I was wrong. I had the 12 time ever.

We went on too many roller coasters (过山车). At first, they were all very 13 and I screamed loudly all the time. My friends wanted to 14 more of them, and so for three hours we didn’t stop to rest. We went on one coaster after another 15 I started feeling really sick. I 16 threw up (呕吐) on the last coaster.

My friends decided that we needed a lunch break to help me 17 the whole day. My stomach was 18 feeling terrible, but they insisted that I should eat if I was going to have enough 19 for the rest of the day. I spent six dollars on a large order of fries. I picked up the saltshaker (小盐瓶), and to my 20 the top fell off, leaving all the salt on my food. My fries were ruined! By now I was really 21 and my face was red, so my friends suggested we go on a water ride so that I could cool down. I thought it was a good idea, but when we rode it, I forgot to 22 my glasses. At one point, my poor glasses fell off and into the water. I watched helplessly as 23 sank to the bottom. I had to go through the rest of the day almost 24 . I have decided that I will never go to amusement parks again, 25 someone offered me a million dollars to do it!

11. A. week  B. day  C. month  D. night

12. A. worst B. busiest C. greatest  D. freest

13. A. disappointing B. expensive  C. exciting  D. peaceful

14. A. drive B. ride C. draw D. watch

15. A. because B. after C. unless D. before

16. A. carelessly B. partly C. finally D. extremely

17. A. remember B. survive C. start D. escape

18. A. still B. ever C. hardly D. never

19. A. food B. time C. money D. energy 

20. A. delight B. satisfaction C. surprise D. joy

21. A. glad B. safe C. quiet D. upset

22. A. take off B. push up C. put on D. clean up 

23. A. I B. they C. we D. it

24. A. awake B. tired C. blind D. wet

25. A. even if B. as if C. so that D. now that

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